Random ratings and rantings on the things around me. Join me! Say your piece. Stake your claim. There's plenty of room on this soapbox for all of us!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I Didn't Vote For Obama

Mon Oct 20, 2008 at 01:24:08 PM PDT
I'm a middle-class white guy living in Jacksonville , Florida. I've got a wife and two kids. Because the kids had no school today, I took a vacation day from work, and took the kids downtown to vote early. Fifty-nine minutes later, two smiling children and I proudly sported "I Voted" stickers.
But I didn't vote for Obama.
I voted for my ancestors, who believed in the promise of this country and came with nothing as immigrants.
I voted for my parents, who taught in the public schools for decades.
I voted for Steve, an acquaintance of mine from Kentucky . (Killed by an IED two years ago in Iraq).
I voted for Shawn, another who's been to Iraq twice, and Afghanistan once, and who'll be going back to Afghanistan again soon -- and whose family earned eleven bucks a month too much to qualify for food stamps when the war started.
I voted for April, the only African-American girl in my high school – it was years before it occurred to me how different her experience of our school must have been.
I voted for my college friends who are Christian, Jewish, Mormon, and yes -- Muslim.
I voted for my grandfathers, who worked hard in factories and died too young.
I voted for the plumber who worked on my house, because I want him to get a REAL tax break.
I voted for four little angels from Birmingham.
I voted for a bunch of dead white men who, although personally flawed, were willing to pledge their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor, and used a time of great crisis to expand freedom rather than suspend it.
I voted for all those people and more, and I voted for all of you, too.
Sure, I filled in the circle next to the name Obama, but it wasn't him I was voting for -- it was every single one of us, and those I love most of all.
Who else is there to vote for?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Question: Where is Obama Tonight?

Friday, October 24, 2008
The New York Times Endorses Obama
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Another Soap Box Moment
Muslims are lining up behind Obama, Jews are lining up behind Obama, as well as all of those cultures and "large" towns that the GOP has snubbed or neglected. Obama crosses all racial lines, not just black and white. Even other countries are lining up behind Obama and prominent Republicans other than Colin Powell are defecting like Cubans from the old Castro regime.
Oh, and by the way... Al-Qaeda supports McCain. If they had come out with a statement like that regarding Obama, McNasty's people would have been all over it. Robo-dialing would never have seen such fervor! (Fortunately, we Hope-mongers are above that sort of thing!) Instead, McShame's representatives held a press conference to make the claim seem absolutely incredible. Could that be any sweeter? Couldn't have happened at a better time. Awesome!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Can't Make It To The Polls?

Monday, October 20, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Colin Powell endorses Barack Obama
With only two weeks left in the campaign, former Secretary of State Colin Powell announced on Sunday that he will be voting for Sen. Barack Obama, citing the Democrat's "ability to inspire" and the "inclusive nature of his campaign."
He also said that he was concerned about Gov. Palin and doesn't think that she is ready to lead and was troubled by Sen. McCain's negativity and attempts to de-Americanize Obama by trying to attach him to terrorism and socialism.
If Colin Powell thinks Sen. Obama is ready to lead, shouldn't you?
Check out the rest of the article here!
Or see it for yourself here.
Incidentally, here is the website dedicated to the Muslim soldier that died for America over in Iraq. Don't forget his name or his legacy!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Keith Olbermann Has A Little Something To Say!
Click here to see this ass-whoopin"! Here's a quote but you gotta go see it for yourself!
Senator McCain, your supporters, at your events, are calling Obama a terrorist and traitor and are calling for him to be killed. And yet you keep bringing back these same rabid Right Wing nuts to deliberately stir these crowds into frenzies. And then you take offense when somebody who remembers the violence in our political past, calls you on it. You, sir, are responsible for a phalanx of individuals who are shouting fire in a crowded theatre. There are some things to respect and honor about you, Senator McCain. But on this, you're not only a fraud, Senator but you are tacitly inciting lunatics to violence. If you want to again grand-stand and suspend your campaign here's your big chance. Suspend your campaign now, until you, or somebody else, gets some control over it and it ceases to be a clear and present danger to the peace of this nation.
RIP Levi Stubbs
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tonight's Debate
Thursday, October 9, 2008
So many lies, so little time!
The End Of Sean Hannity's Career!
Olbermann: McCain, Palin have questionable ties of their own
The Palins’ un-American activities
The GOP goes back to its ugly roots
Sarah Palin, confidently pronouncing on Obama’s bona fides despite the fact that she has repeatedly revealed herself to a terrified world to be someone who must be kept as far away from the presidency as possible, joined in the smear campaign. Citing Obama’s acquaintance with former Weatherman founder Bill Ayers, Palin said about the Democratic presidential nominee, “This is not a man who sees America as you and I do — as the greatest force for good in the world. This is someone who sees America as imperfect enough to pal around with terrorists who targeted their own country.”
terrified world Excerpt:
'Watching the current American presidential contest brings these issues to the fore once again, especially on the Republican side. The Democrats have selected a pair of candidates who pretty faithfully perpetuate that party’s traditions, with the added act of an African-American candidate with a Muslim father. The Republican ticket of McCain and Palin, on the other hand, is a much stranger beast, especially in the vice presidential slot.
The fact that someone like Governor Sarah Palin, who lacks any national or international experience -- perhaps even basic knowledge -- can be a potential vice president is a sign of American democracy at its worst. In one swift, serendipitous moment, she was transformed from a moose hunter in Alaska to a global mullah hunter in a contest and a world about which she knows zilch -- as she reconfirms every time she opens her mouth.'
Never mind the fact that Palin herself supported, and her husband belonged to, a secessionist Alaska political party that advocated armed opposition to the U.S. Never mind the fact that Obama’s relationship with Ayers, as detailed in the very New York Times story that Palin cited as her source, was utterly casual. Facts are for those in the reality-based community. The point is to paint Obama not just as a terrorist sympathizer and America-hater, but as an alien. Hence Palin’s description of him as “not a man who sees America as you and I do.”
Sarah Palin And The Alaska Independence Party
By Greg Sargent - September 1, 2008, 11:12AM
This seems worth digging into a bit. The Alaska Independence Party, which was formed with the goal of seceding from the union and establishing Alaska as an independent state, says that Palin addressed their 2008 convention.
The AIP has posted video of what it claims is her address on its Web site.
Video of Sara Palin addressing the Alaska Independence Party (AIP)
Agence Global (AG) is a specialist news, opinion and feature syndication agency. The magazines and authors we syndicate are leaders in their fields or areas of expertise, and offer points of view that are often at variance with the mainstream of U.S. and international media. Think of it as 'Uncommon Commentary.' AG is the exclusive international agency for The Nation, America's oldest and largest circulation political magazine, as well as expert commentary by authors such as William Beeman, Richard Bulliet, Juan Cole, Paul Denlinger, Mark Hertsgaard, and Rami G. Khouri.
Thanks to cousin Harold for all of this data.