Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Skinny on Palin

 has done some research on McCain's new running mate. If you're a member, you got this in an e-mail. If you're not, click here and read all about her! Enjoy!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Bomb Bomb McSame Makes His Choice

Sarah Palin. Ahahahaha!!!!
So much for his "lack of experience" argument!

Could this really be why she was chosen?

For Paul Begala's (hilarious) perspective, click here!

Or is this just a trick to see how stupid we all are?

"Eight is enough!"

Singer/actress Jennifer Hudson opened up the show with a powerful version of the Star Spangled Banner on a night that felt like both a rock concert and pep rally all rolled into one. Will.I.Am and John Legend performed their award-winning song "Yes We Can" and Sheryl Crowe sang a few of her most popular songs as well. Stevie Wonder came with a few hits too and ended his run with the Obama-minted "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" (which we certainly hope it is!) Michael MacDonald sang "America The Beautiful."

The day was historic in another way. It happened to land on the 45th Anniversary of Marin Luther King's famous "I Have A Dream" speech. Bernice King and Martin Luther King III came out and gave emotional homilies on the significance of the day to them and to Black people across the country. Susan Eisenhower, granddaughter of Republican President Dwight Eisenhower, gave a wonderful short oration in favor of Barack Obama and an argument change in this country. Very compelling!

Al Gore delivered a powerful environment-centered speech that touched on the damage that Bush has done to the country and what would have happened if the national decision had been different four years ago.

"Today, we face essentially the same choice we faced in 2000, though it may be even more obvious now, because John McCain, a man who has earned our respect on any levels, is now openly endorsing the policies of the Bush-Cheney White House and promising to actually continue them, the same policies all over again. Hey, I believe in recycling, but that's ridiculous."

He wrapped up by asking Americans to stop voting their fears and to vote their hearts instead.

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardon and VP Nominee Joe Biden also came out and gave supportive speeches but the star of the night was, of course, Barack Obama. He was introduced by a short film created by the Democratic Committee that summarized his life and his journey to becoming the first African American nominee for President of the United States.

"Tonight, I say to the people of America, to Democrats and Republicans and inependents across this great land -- enough! This moment -- this election -- is our chance to keep, in the 21st century, the American promise alive. Because next week, in Minnesota, the same party that brought you two terms of George Bush and Dick Cheney will ask this country for a third. And we are here because we love this country too much to let the next four years look just like the last eight. On November, we must stand up and say: "Eight is enough." "

Obama did everything he could have done to convince nay-sayers (are there still any left?) that he will do the right thing for the country. CNN's Anderson Cooper kept joking about "drinking the Kool Aid" but in a time when people are so desperate for change, when mortage companies are going down in flames and people can't afford their own homes, when joblessness is high and education is unaffordable, we need someone to lift us up and out. John McCain can't do that. Barack Obama can!

Obama was sure to lay out his plan, this time and I was so proud when I heard these words: "So let me spell out exactly what that change would mean if I am president."

I thought, "Finally! They can stop saying that he's not specific." Obama spoke for almost an hour and laid out his plan for his presidency. I am not so deep in the Kool-Aid that I believe that all of these things will happen. I know that on the day of his election, rainbows wont pop up and it will always be 80 degress, and starving people will miraculously learn to cultivate their own lush green gardens.

But I do believe that the hope of a better tomorrow will help to lift the spirits of a country of great people that feel as if the government, the people in charge, have left them behind. We are supposed to be the greatest country in the world. We used to be a superpower that everyone aspired to emulate. Now our dollar is weak and we have little or no international credibility. If we don't remember anything else about Barack Obama, we always need to remember these words:

"There has never been anything false about hope!"

Incidentally, according to the Huffington Post, Nielsen Media Research said more people watched Obama speak than watched the Olympics opening ceremony in Beijing, the final "American Idol" or the Academy Awards this year. Obama talked before a live audience of 80,000 people in Denver.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Measure of a Man

"I believe the measure of a man is not the road he travels but the choices he makes along that road."
Joe Biden delivered a very inspiring speech to the DNC last night. He finally tackled some of the specific ways that Obama will change this country for the better. Analysts always spend the evening telling us what speech-makers don't say or forget to say; but it's hard to deny what Biden said last night. Proof that Obama has a penchant for making great choices. Joe Biden was definitely a great choice. Read his entire transcript here.

In other DNC news, President Bill Clinton also spoke at the convention. His speech was the perfect compliment to Hillary's speech the night before. He filled in the gaps and said all the things that the pundits said that Hillary missed. His speech opened with the fact that he was there to support Obama, thereby melting all of the GOP-infused tension both at the DNC and within the Democratic Party.

"Hillary told us in no uncertain terms that she'll do everything she can to elect Barack Obama. That makes two of us. Actually that makes 18 million of us — because, like Hillary, I want all of you who supported her to vote for Barack Obama in November."
His speech was powerful, interesting and heartwarming all at the same time. And didn't leave any room for doubt that the "rift" is over. Read his entire speech here.

So long PUMAs!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

No Way, No How, No McCain

Sen Clinton did an awesome job of trying to pull the party back together, no matter what the pundits say! The vidoe bio was great and Chelsea was the perfect person to narrate it. Everyone is so busy trying to pick out what she didn't say or study Michelle's body language during the speech that no one is taking time to just enjoy the moment. As an Obama supporter from the start, I found her to be both sincere and exciting. Hopefully her avid supporters will feel the same way about the Democratic campaign as we move on the the final leg. It's so important that the Dems win this one. The fate of the country lies in the balance.

Catch her entire speech here!

Also greatly downplayed by big media once Senator Clinton took the stage was a rousing speech by Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer. He was fun to watch and enthusiastic about getting Obama in the White House for the benefit of the environment.

"We simply can't drill our way to energy independence, even if you drilled in all of John McCain's backyards, including the ones he can't even remember," he said.
There is so much hope for the future of this campaign and this country. Hopefully Pres. Clinton's and Sen. Biden's speeches tonight with clinch it for the party!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Any minute now...

CNN waits for the announcement!

And here's one for those who refuse to let go!


Michelle Obama was "WOW!" as Convention Begins

"And as I tuck that little girl in and her little sister into bed at night, You see I think about how one day, they'll have families of their own. And one day, they -- and your sons and daughters -- will tell their own children about what we did together in this election. They'll tell them how this time, we listened to our hopes, instead of our fears. How this time, how this time, we decided to stop doubting and to start dreaming. How this time, in this great country -- where a girl from the South Side of Chicago can go to college and law school, and the son of a single mother from Hawaii can go all the way to the White House -- that we committed ourselves, we committed ourselves to building the world as it should be."

Check out the entire transcript here!

Friday, August 22, 2008

McCain's Cheat Sheet

(Click graphic to enlarge)

Monday, August 18, 2008

No Blacks, Mongolians Allowed At Beijing Bars: Report

(Please comment, if you can!)

Rest in Peace Pervis Jackson!

The Spinners from left John Edwards, Bobby Smith, Henry Fambrough,
Pervis Jackson and Billy Henderson pose for photographers in 1997.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Criss Angel Walks on Water

I don't care how he does it! He's a true entertainer!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

John Kerry Joins the Fight

On a brand new website that will work in conjunction with Senator Obama's website, developed to counter-attack lies, myths and rumors about Senator Obama and his campaign, Senator John Kerry will target the attacker, rather than the actual attack, and promote the truth from a different angle. According to the website launched on July 21, 2008:

We're all about replacing smears, lies and distortions with intellectual honesty and an aim for truth.
Here's hoping that readers and voters support Sen. Kerry's attempt at truth and justice and those with doubts about Sen. Obama will go to one of the many sites now available to learn the truth and stop spreading the hurtful lies about him. We need to get him elected this year or else this country is in big, BIG trouble!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Don't Be Fooled!!!

Apparently a memo has leaked showing McCain's strategy to portray Sen. Obama as "A Job-Killing Machine."

The strategy, which was authored by Taylor Griffin -- a veteran of the Bush White House and Treasury Department who serves McCain as a senior adviser -- seems built around traditional themes. The McCain campaign will paint Obama as being "aligned with trial lawyers" and "unions (card check, trade, education reform)," and push the frame that he "raises taxes" and "will kill jobs."

I hope everyone checks out the story here before anyone believes any more information revealed in future John McCain ads.

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